Oh, what an exciting time! Breaking ground on your lot is almost as exciting as the day you receive your keys. Your dream home is finally becoming a reality and we’re grateful to be part of this momentous time in your family’s history. What should you expect when your project begins? Surely, it’s more involved and meaningful than simply digging a hole in the ground with a shovel. Here’s what you can expect.
Breaking Ground: How It All Works
Our team receives information regarding the excavation of your lot (called a cut-sheet) and from there you will meet on your lot with your superintendent. After this onsite meeting, they will arrange for our concrete sub-contractor to begin footings for your new home. Our team of experienced superintendents and sub-contractors have built many homes throughout their careers, and they are passionate about building the very best home for you. They will watch over your project with a careful eye and pay attention to tiny details so you can rest easy.
Cultural Accommodations
We also want you to be involved in the building process! According to our Director of Construction Kami, “Breaking ground in many cultures is a celebration of the first day of construction and some may choose to have or perform a ceremony. Our Superintendents are supportive of those traditions and welcome the opportunity to assist our new homeowners in whatever they choose to do.”

Learn more about our cultural accommodations and building practices here.
Tags: breaking ground, building phase, building process, classic homes, construction, cultural, semi custom homeCategorized in: Uncategorized
This post was written by Classic Homes