We love moving. It’s a fresh start in a new home and in some cases a new city or state. New opportunities abound, but the hardest part of moving is physically getting there. Whether you’re downsizing or moving to your forever home here are some moving tips from the industry experts.
Keep All Small Items With You

Remotes are small and easy to lose. Instead of throwing them into a box that could potentially get lost in transit keep them with you in a bag that has all important items. Other important items could include phone chargers, headphone chargers, smart watch chargers, or anything small that you don’t want to lose. Along with that, pack up all the screws and nails you need to put your furniture back together. Place each item in a plastic bag labeled with the name of the furniture piece it belongs to.
Keep an “Important Papers” Folder

With a house full of boxes the absolute last thing you want to think about is “where is my birth certificate?”. Buy a folder from target and keep the papers in a backpack you’ll bring with you. The more prep you do before the move, the more you will enjoy it.
Keep a Small Supply of Kitchen Items With You

Depending on when you unpack all your kitchen items or if your items are being delivered cross country you might be eating out more than you usually do. If you want to save money bring a pot, pan, can opener, spatula, and spoon. You can also bring paper plates or bowls, or the ones you currently have are fine too. Either way, you’ll save tons of money and a homecooked meal hits the spot at the end of a long day.
Bring Blankets, Pillows, Sleeping Bags, and an Air Mattress

If your items are being moved across the country it could take days(sometimes even weeks) for all your stuff to arrive. You can stay in a hotel until your items arrive or you can have a “camp out” in your new living room. Bring enough blankets for everyone and enjoy this fun time with your loved ones. Download a game onto your phone like Heads Up and play with the kids.
You Need More Towels Than You Think

Bring a few bath towels, kitchen towels, and hand towels. Depending on how fast you unpack it could be days before you see all your towels again! Instead of rushing to target plan ahead and pack extra items.
Have Fun
While moving can be hard and long, it’s what you make of it. If you look at your experience as the beginning of a new adventure it’s going to be a lot more fulfilling. Your kids are going to remember this time as well. Instead of remembering it as a stress inducing few weeks they can look back fondly on all the memories they made with you.

Categorized in: Lifestyle, Uncategorized
This post was written by Classic Homes